Machu Picchu from above
Mostly pictures from the Sun Gate walk
On our second day at Machu Picchu we walked on the Sun Gate Trail.  This is about a mile and a half walk, three miles round trip.  The trail is at times very steep.  It is always rocky and often narrow.  There is about a 1,400 foot gain in elevation during the mile and 1/2.  The frequent 'steps' of over a foot are not easy for out of shape walkers.  I took my time and up I went, and was very glad that I did.  The walk, the view, the pleasure of doing it were well worth the effort.  The cold drink after the walk tasted very good.
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MP from above
Yes, this picture is on the opening page, but I like it
Machu Picchu
MP from abobe mp from above
Machu Picchu
mpfrom above
Kay on walk
Machu Picchu Kay on Sun Gate Trail
Winding road
The winding road from the hotel to Machu Piccu
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Revised: 5 september 2007