Machu Picchu
Mostly pictures from in the Temple

Our first day at Machu Picchu was spent in the Temple.  We were excited as this was the main lure for the Peru trip.  We went by bus from the hotel to the Temple.  There was so much to see.  Our guide, Eddie, did a great job of explaining what we were seeing.  Alone i would have missed many of the interesting things.

This was a bright, sunny day, and it was hot.  As usual, Eddie said before we started, "Take your rain gear".  Well he was correct, as we got a good long shower during the day.  This greatly cooled things off.  This walk was a little tiring for the out of shape, but was not difficult.

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 Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu
 Machu Picchu Mountain in the background
We watched some of the rain here
Kay and Dick at Machu Picchu
Royal Toumb
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Sun Temple
Rain at the Sun Temple - It felt good
Terrace at Machu Picchu - This is where they grew their crops
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To Machu Picchu Pictures from above
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Revised: 22 October 2011