A selection of pictures
Most of these pictures are "new to me" as I have not seen them for ages and ages
Kind of a kaleidoscope of our lives

One way to get a bigger picture is to click on it once or twice.
Kathleeb two yers old

Susan and Alan.  May 1963
Susan and Alan.  1963
 Alan, my father and Susan.  Christmas 1960

Cards at Thanksgiving
What are Susan and Alan pointing at?  1963
***Susan and Alan in the snow.  I wonder who cleared the long **** sidewalk. Not Richard Bruce!!
 What music are Alan and**** Susan going to play?


****It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas
****Kathleen getting ready to feed our children. Will anyone else get fed?
*****Don't they look happy sitting there together?

*****Alan David at Brouse Drive. See the yellow racetrack for his Hot Wheel cars
Susan and Alan at the door of  297 Simcox.  May 1963. They look dressed up.
January 1960
I might not know if it is Alan or Susan with Kathleen but I recognize the chest of drawers.  Children spent time on it for generations before it was retired
Susan and Alan - Easter 1963  Brouse drive
deleteAlan and Susan  29 January 1959  Simcox
******Susan and Alan in front of some Christmas Cards.  I remember than couch
*****Looks like a happy time, but do not remember where or when
*****Alan and susan relaxed in their colorful outfits.
******Susan in an unusual pose. Is she a doctor?  Like the title of one of my favorite radio programs as a child.  "I Love a Mystery"
That was with Jack, Doc and Reggie. This is with Susan Kay.
This page does feature our two wonderful children.  Most taken on Simcox Street or Brouse Drive, both in Wadsworth, Ohio. I was so pleased to rediscover the picture of my father with our children.  I wish they had gotten to know him, he would have been a wonderful grandfather.