These are pictures of Robert beyond the baby stage. You may see his parents and brother among others.
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Robert and Richard on our porch in East Cleveland, OH around 1938
Robert on porch in East Cleveland around 1938
McDowell Family in East Cleveland about 1938

Robert Father Richard
Westgate Akron, Ohio mid 1950s

Our Father Our Grandmother Nellie Barbour,
Aunt Mona and Mother
Our Grandfather Joseph Curtis Hull 1930s
Maybe 1944
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Richard in crid
Richard in crid
Robert Parade
Father Robert Mother 
Westgate Akron, Ohio
Robert and Richard
Robert with flag

Robert  thinking?

Alice etal
Official photo
Pops with child
Robert in the army

Richard Father Robert Westgate Akron Ohio
Looks like an official army photo

Robert at Attention
 Robert maybe thinking about how much he loves the army?

Robert with rifle
Robert with flag
Robert with rifle
Robert Purdue Blanket
Is it possible that in some of these army pictures Robert is making fun rather than being 100% serious?  The flag picture two rows up included.
Not sure of Robert's dates in the army, probably  near 1949-1951.
Was this while at Purdue? Notice the cane.

Reviewed: 10-21-2012