Finding this hotel was a challenge.  For one thing the directions we had been given bore almost no resemblance to a path to the door.  Another thing was something we encountered all across PR.  Highway signs, except on the freeways, and street signs in the cities and towns are few and far between.  After asking a few people and wandering around we did find it.  A family from Kansas got there just ahead of us, they said that they asked at the Police station and the police escorted them to the hotel.

We drove by the hotel the first time, then we pulled into the drive and almost did not stay.  There was an old house on the right of the driveway, weeds in the entrance and bushes were overgrown around the front of the hotel.  It almost looked like the hotel might be closed.  Then we stepped inside to a different world,  It seemed like we stepped back 100 years.  Antiques are in the halls, and it was clean and everything looked very nice.  We would recommend this hotel to our friends.

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The main hallway
One of the lobbies
Richard in front of the hotel
Marlene, Kay and the owner on the back patio

The owner is a retired lawyer that grew up in the old house.  She bought the hotel thinking it would be nice for her retirement.  Owning a hotel is more work than she thought it would be.  She was a most gracious hostess and did everything to make our stay a pleasant one.

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Last revised: 21 August 2002