Pictures about Richard throughout the years

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Richard, maybe four years old.
Top row, 4th from left. Fourth grade Chambers Elementary
 East Cleveland, Ohio
Dick and family

Dick letter

Only known picture of Dick with his parents and brother.  Dick is maybe six-seven years old. Oldest known letters from Dick.
Sent to grandmother on or before October 1937


Richard-Isabel-Neal  I spent six summers on their Iowa farm
Isabel's mother was my grandmother's sister
Alan in front of Neal's Barn.  Richard helped build the barn.
Akron Buchtel HS Graduation Picture

Our wedding day

Our Wedding Day Alan's Baptism
All  the Grandparents

Our Family January 2011
Our Family - 1960
Our Family January 2011
Alan and susan

Doodle on envelope
Alan and Susan - 1965 Dick drawing on envelope November 1936. Only knowd drawing by Dick as a child.
Kising Bridge

Family 1960
Kissing Bridge  - Ambler, PA 2001
Family: Simcox, Wadsworth 1960

Fort sill
Table Tennis

Training Fort Sill, OK
Table Tennis - At the table
Multi sport Trophies
Most of Richard's Trophies.  The hanging ribbons are Senior Olympic Awards
Richard played a lot of Tennis, Table Tennis and other sports.
Revised: 10-21-2012*11/24/2012